Group Care Global‘s mission is to promote group health care for pregnant and parenting people, infants, partners, and their families to improve health and well-being.

To support this mission, Group Care Global collaborates with international partners to integrate Centering-Based Group Care into health systems.

As a US-based independent non-governmental organization, we commit to continuing to work in partnership with colleagues around the world to ensure that local knowledge, supportive relationships, and connection are at the forefront of how care is delivered and experienced. We value the lives of people wherever they live, respecting and celebrating the diversity that exists throughout the world, including differing abilities, sexuality, gender identity, religion, race, ethnicity, age, language, and economic and immigration status. We strive to strengthen meaningful collaboration based in equity, inclusion, and human dignity.

What is Group Care?

Want to learn more about Group Care? Here are two videos made through the GC_1000 initiative.

Stories about GroupCare

“Little Pearls, short group care stories with a large impact”. A joint publication of TNO, the KNOV, the Centering Nederland Foundation and Group Care Global. The book was first distributed in the English version at the GC_1000 launch meeting in Leiden, Netherlands, February 2020.

Read the full publication here.

Community Building

A Blueprint for the Newborn Neighbourhood

One of the three core components of Group Care is Community Building, both among participants in the group itself, as well as with the larger community where they live, work, and raise their families. The Blueprint is a community approach that connects (future) parents with neighborhood resources. Because it takes a neighbourhood to raise a child! 

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1 month ago

Group Care Global
A few years ago, we applied for the Racial Equity 2030 grant. We didn't receive the funding but learned a lot from the process. (Please see comments for a link to the awardees)We're sharing this video, which was made for the application, in this new year because we continue to believe in advancing equity though disruptive design of maternal-child healthcare and recognize how important these processes are. Group Care can play an important role. ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Group Care Global
Group Antenatal Care (GANC) in Suriname. 2024 training in BrownswegDr. Ronny Pinas: “Thank you for introducing this beautiful concept of group care for pregnant women in our village. We will do everything to make group care in Brownsweg a success”.Aruna Basdew, Perisur trainer: “I recognize the challenges to startup group care in Brownsweg. I admire the commitment of the local health team to group care. Group care enthusiasts never give up”.Brownsweg is a village about 100 miles south of Paramaribo, the capital city of Suriname. It is situated in the interior of Suriname with approximately 5000 residents. Brownsweg has limited infrastructure., with only one primary school and very few job opportunities, especially for women. There is one primary health care center, run by the Medical Mission (a church based nonprofit organization that runs several health centers in the remote interior of Suriname). The local health team consists of one doctor and eight health assistants. Regarding maternity care, pregnant women receive basic antenatal care at the clinic of the Medical Mission. Around week 30, most of them travel to Paramaribo to deliver their baby in a hospital.As part of the GroupCare1000 - Group Care in the first 1000 days project, GCG consultants provided group antenatal care and group postnatal care training to local midwives and nurses in Suriname. Group care was implemented in four primary health care clinics around Paramaribo and in one hospital setting.Early 2024, GCG’s Surinamese partner Perisur introduced the concept of group antenatal care to the Medical Mission and in April 2024, Brownsweg's doctor and four health assistants were trained by Stichting Perisur. After mobilization, the first group care session took place in May 2024. Twelve pregnant women participated in the first session. Despite some women dropping out, because they were referred to Paramaribo for medical reasons, the team is highly motivated to make group care a success in the Brownsweg village.#G#groupcare1000 #suriname ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Group Care Global
Want to learn more? #groupcare1000 #groupcare #antenatalcare ... See MoreSee Less
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