Implementation Modules

Parenting Group Care in Suriname

Are you curious about what Group Care is and how it can work in your health system? Are you ready to embark on implementing Group Care in your setting and health system? If the answer to either of these questions is, “yes”, this comprehensive set of modules can support you in your process.

You can access 12 modules by entering your name and email below. Once you complete the form, the list of modules will appear below.

Thank you for providing your email address. GCG will never share your email. We’d like to be in touch with you to understand your experience with the modules. We also would love to invite you to be a part of the Group Care Community of Practice, where you can meet other people around the world who are implementing the Group Care model.  

Modules are available in multiple languages


Users can access the modules in any order. Worksheets from Group Care Global’s Planning Guide for Implementation of Group Care are included in different modules so that you can engage in the planning and implementation process with your team. Group Care Global can work with you to get the most out of each module.
We look forward to your engagement and feedback. Please feel free to contact us at

Please enter your information below to see a list of available implementation modules

    Developed by Group Care Global and CAI for GC_1000: Group Care in the First 1000 Days (Group Care 1000). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848147.

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