Our work in Belgium is part of the Global GC_1000 Group Care in the First 1000 Days Initiative
In 2019, a group of midwives who are passionate about Group Care, reached out to Group Care Global (how do we incorporate Centering Zorg) so that they could implement group care in 3 sites in Belgium and were eagerly included in the initiative.
They quickly identified 3 places where they could start CBGC and began working with their GCG Consultant to train their midwives focusing on the sites at Aalst, Leuven and Ghent and beginning to develop their own In Country Trainers.
As a part of this innitiative, the Consultants and Country Team have colaborated to modify the materials; start building a Foundation to support Group Care and begin working with the Health Care Authorities to ensure sustainability.
Their Country Stakholder group includes Universitair Zeikenhaus Gent, Vrije Universitiet Brussels and Born in Brussels an organization to support new families.
Despite Covid they have trained three In Country Trainers, and over 90 Midwives and Health Care workers. All three sites started group care for pregnancy in 2021 and are working closely with their consultant to troubleshoot challenges in the systems.
Group Care Consultant Katja Groesen has worked closely with the Country Team since 2019
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848147. This website reflects only the authors' view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.