The Netherlands

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Annemiek van der Kraan

Annemiek van der Kraan

Annemiek is a trainer, consultant and advisor for CenteringPregnancy and Parenting. She became a registered midwife about 35 years ago and has worked in independent midwifery practices in several areas in the Netherlands. Since 1990 she is also a teacher connected to one of the Academies of  Midwifery in the Netherlands and provided Teach the Teacher courses all over the world (Pakistan, India, Sierra Leone, Saudi Arabia ). Annemiek was involved in the start of CenteringPregnancy in the Netherlands in 2012 and has been a trainer in this concept since then. She believes this innovative type of care is contributing to better healthcare and the inclusion of women.

Yvonne Strengers

Yvonne Strengers

Yvonne is a trainer, consultant and advisor with CenteringPregnancy and Parenting. In the 90’s she worked nearly three years as a nurse in Nigeria running a primary health care clinic. Returning to Europe she decided to  be trained as a midwife in Britain. Working as an independent midwife in the Netherlands she and her colleagues started Centering Pregnancy in their midwifery practice.  She was impressed with the impact of the program on the families’ health and well-being. Yvonne combines her work  as a clinical midwife in a hospital near Amsterdam with being a Centering Pregnancy and Parenting trainer/consultant. She also loves to travel and hike with her husband and son.

Anne Bedaux

Anne Bedaux

Anne is a trainer, consultant and advisor for CenteringPregnancy and Parenting.  She is also a member of the board of the  Centering Nederland Foundation.

Inger Aalhuizen

Inger Aalhuizen

Inger is a trainer, consultant and advisor for CenteringPregnancy and Parenting. She is also a member of the Centering Nederland Foundation.

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